Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting Support

In the last several months, I have searched for support and groups that relate to Crohns.
One of my favorites is a free phone app called GI Monitor.

Support is an important part of living with IBD's. People that have the disease or are in remission understand the daily aches, pains and habits that we deal with on a daily and sometimes minute by minute basis.

GI Monitor allows you to track your IBD symptoms such as Stool form, frequency, blood content and add custom symptoms. The app also allows you to track meals, stress levels, pain levels and medications. The app also has a social feature that allows you to communicate with other sufferers of IBD.

The group, known as "Butt Book" is very knowledgeable and friendly group of people from all over the USA and the world. You can learn about symptoms, medications, treatments, tests and procedures that you or someone you love may encounter when dealing with any of the IBD's.
You can search facebook for other social outlets and reference Crohns Colitis Foundation of America is an excellent place to start learning about the disease and find local support groups and events.

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